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During the summer the weather is nicer and drier! you may find you do not experience the typical leaks that some do during the wetter months however this is the best time to give your roof a check over to avoid those costly emergency repairs!



Without ventilation such as tile vents and air bricks, moisture can build in the loft with the additional summer heat and the cooler nights this can cause the rafters inside your roof to rot and in turn weaken affecting the structure of your home. Pop into your loft, Check for damp/mould spots and or a musty smell, if you do come across anything contact a roofing contractor such as GS Roofing to provide a FREE quotation upon their findings.

Sun light:

The roof is the highest point of your home and is constantly absorbing the UV radiation from the sun, depending on the type and colour of your roofing tiles as some absorb the radiation quicker than others. Look up at your roof you will notice that the shingle is coated in a UV protection over time these little pebbles will fall off and gradually the roof will get worse leaving holes and no protection from the elements. If any shingles need replacing contact a professional who will be able to replace these avoiding keeping your property safe.


If there is a wet summer or you have a north facing roof and high trees near your home, you will need to regularly check for moss growth as when leaving moss, it will eventually start to anchor to the tiles making it increasingly difficult to remove. When this happens, your roof will be in danger to excessive moisture as moss acts like a sponge and will help the moss growth, in turn stripping the protective oils from the shingles and making them susceptible to erosion and sun damage, if ignored the buildup of moisture will begin to invade your home leading to rotten rafters and damp. To remove moss never use a pressure washer as this can cause further damage to the shingles and tiles, always contact a trained roofer who will be able to remove the moss safely and effectively.

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